For a limited time only on Etsy

I have to say it is something of a relief to be able to talk about a new book. I’m delighted to announce that Good Cop is scheduled for release sometime in the second half of the year (October probably). Not only that, it’s the follow-up to my novel GoodCopBadCop.

In Good Cop, Detective Inspector Brian Fisher seeks to put the past behind him, and free himself for once and for all of his ‘Bad Cop’ persona. But that part of him refuses to go down; not without a fight.

To mark the occasion, I’m delighted to say we are offering the first two novels GoodCopBadCop and the Light for £15 the pair postage free.

The offer is for a limited time only on Etsy. See the following link:

Covers by Alex Ronald

Posted by planetjimbot