Month: February 2021

See the Light and get a Mike Perkins drawn Graphic Novel for free

Mike Perkins is a comics artist currently doing wonderful things on Swamp Thing Future State, published by DC Comics. A wee while ago we worked together on a book called Amongst the Stars and for February, we’re giving away the book free with the purchase of my novel the Light on Etsy. There aren’t many copies of Amongst the Stars left so when it’s gone it’s gone.

the Light’ explores a world where you wake up and know this is the day you die. How would such a world shape the way we think, our views on each other and society, how we conduct our personal and financial affairs; how we live and how we will die? There are definite parallels with the world we’re living in now, even though it was published in November 2019.

Order the Light on Etsy by clicking here

As for Amongst the Stars:

Aliens have nightmares! Us! An alien race travels the Universe using their collective consciousness to search for evidence of sentient life. Then they discover the Regressive planet, our planet, and alien minds are trapped in human minds. The aliens try to desperately engineer an escape, while the humans are blissfully unaware of this most subtle of alien invasions. Or are they?

Trippy sci-fi at its trippiest, written by Jim Alexander with art by Mike Perkins (Swamp Thing Future State). Nominated for Best Graphic Novel 2015 by SICBA.

Posted by planetjimbot in Posts